Bullettin Board Moron

1349 days ago

Bulletin Board Moron of the Week contest: market lunacy and deluded fantasy edition sponsored by Supply@ME Capital

Can you beat this gem from the LSE Asylum Supply@ME Capital (SYME) board. I put it to you, as I return from my Greek eco palace never having held a short position in Eurasia (EUA), as suggested below, that council house dwelling fantasist Andre01 is quite simply bonkers. Anyhow in these fevered times can you spot a better example of lunacy, delusion or just sheer stupidity on a Bulletin Board or on twitter? Entries in the comments section below with a deadline of midnight on Sunday 23rd August. Now over to Andre01 who is bonkers:


1906 days ago

Frontera - more shocking papers emerge showing the extent of the fraud

Slung off AIM a few weeks ago, Frontera Resources (FRR) still has its fans in the Bullettin Board Moron community but the latest trove of emails to emerge, which we publish in full below, will shock even them as the extent of the fraud emerges.
